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Rabdosia Tea

    In the national general survey of medicinal materials in 1970s, Professor Zhang Tanmu of Henan Provincial Institute of Medicine firstly discovered rabdosia in Jiyuan and conducted multi-disciplinary researches together with Professor Sun Handong of Kunming Institute of Botany-Chinese Academy of Sciences and many scientific research institutes like Henan College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Henan Medical University and Henan Institute of Biology. In 1977 rabdosia was included in Pharmacopoeia of PRC and compiled into Collection of National Chinese Herbal Medicine. Encyclopedia of Chinese Specialties lists rabdosia as the sole specialty of Wangwu Mountain of Jiyuan. Modern medical researches prove that it is able to clear the throat, eliminate the toxin, restrain the tumor, nourish throat, stomach and spleen, extend the life and stimulate the metabolism. Since it tastes like ginseng and is able to make the body strong and extend the life, it is also called the Chinese Magic Tea. It tastes bitter, pure and comfortable, and is natural and pollution-free without any theophylline or chemical addictive. It is a high-level natural health product and is an ideal choice for workers under high-temperature and high-pollution conditions, persons smoking and drinking, teachers, white collars and middle-aged and old.

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