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No Turn-Over Egg

    Its name comes from the production process that the egg is not turned over. The no turn-over egg is a traditional folk snack in Jiyuan. It possesses a long history, particular production process and unique taste. With strong local flavors and special local cultures, the no turn-over egg is quite popular in the public. To make the no turn-over egg, qualified rice and millet are selected and strained to liquid, and added with various special spices and blended after fermentation, then placed in a container to fry and bake in a special pan for about one minute; after that, an egg is beat, blended and poured into the pan to fry and bake without turn-over, and the previously made rice product is placed on the fried egg to stew for another half a minute with the cover on, then the delicious no turn-over egg is made. It is beautiful, bright, white like the jade and yellow like the gold, and is quite a delicious food.

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